Can't Zine:

Zine Creators Against Genocide in Gaza

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Handwritten text against a pink background that says: I'm a part of CANTZINE and here's why!

Image Description: Handwritten text against a pink background that says "I'm a part of CANTZINE and here's why!"

Handwritten text that says: 'Hal Niedzviecki, founder and co-publisher of Broken Pencil, is a proud zionist and denier of genocide.' Three screenshots of tweets from him that state 'Once again, there is no genocide or mass starvation in Gaza. Nothing even close. There is a horrible war started by Hamas that they can end at any moment.' 'This whole cancel @GillerPrize is nothing but disgusting one-sided woke antisemitism. There is no genocide or starvation in Gaza and Israel is not a colonizer. Stop with the lies. Giller, founded by proud Canadian Jews, does so much for books and arts.' 'Exactly, and while we're at it, there is still and never has been any kind of genocide in Gaza.'

Image Description: Handwritten text that says: Hal Niedzviecki, founder and co-publisher of Broken Pencil, is a proud zionist and denier of genocide. Three screenshots of tweets from him that state "Once again, there is no genocide or mass starvation in Gaza. Nothing even close. There is a horrible war started by Hamas that they can end at any moment." "This whole cancel @GillerPrize is nothing but disgusting one-sided woke antisemitism. There is no genocide or starvation in Gaza and Israel is not a colonizer. Stop with the lies. Giller, founded by proud Canadian Jews, does so much for books and arts." "Exactly, and while we're at it, there is still and never has been any kind of genocide in Gaza."

Handwritten text that says: Hal has yet to speak... instead, his editors are issuing non-apologies and dodging asks for accountability. This is not meant to shame the editors- who hasn't worked for bad bosses? Despite their efforts, the helm still profits financially from our zine community

Image Description: Handwritten text that says "Hal has yet to speak... instead, his editors are issuing non-apologies and dodging asks for accountability. This is not meant to shame the editors- who hasn't worked for bad bosses? Despite their efforts, the helm still profits financially from our zine community.

Handwritten text that says: Zinesters are taking a hit by refusing to affiliate with Canzine. Cantzine is a list of self-identified supporters of Palestinian Liberation. Visit ...psst!

Image Description: Handwritten text that says "Zinesters are taking a hit by refusing to affiliate with Canzine. Cantzine is a list of self-identified supporters of Palestinian Liberation. Visit ...psst!

Handwritten text that says: Do you... have a zine store? Aren't doing Canzine? Add your name! Go to

Image Description: Handwritten text that says "Do you... have a zine store? Aren't doing Canzine? Add your name! Go to